I have no greater joy than to hear that my children walk in truth. ~3John 1:4

With three of our children now serving in three different countries around the world, we thought this would be the best and easiest way for our friends and family to follow them on their journeys and watch as they learn, grow, and share their experiences. Lance is a combat medic in the US Army and is deployed to Afghanistan with the 101st Airborne Air Assault, Nicki is serving an 18-month mission for The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints in New Mexico, and Hunter is serving a two year mission in Honduras. We are so blessed!

Tuesday, July 1, 2014

New Area, New Sister, and New Found Blessings

Because I know how much Mom LOVES her polkadots!

Mom was a running a tiny bit behind in sharing, so you are lucky enough to get TWO emails in one

Hey! So I made it safely to the other side of the mountain haha. Now I'm on the West side of El Paso. My companion is super awesome. She's been out 4 months. She's originally from the Philippines!!! But from California. I already love her so much.  Randomly she reminds me of a Filipino version of Megan!!!  (Funny as Megan is serving in the Philippines!) I look at her out of the corner of my eye and swear I see Megs! I've heard rumors that this ward is the best ward in the whole mission. 

(The following week)
Well the new area is really nice. The ward is amazing and they were very welcoming. It almost feels like home here. They are super missionary minded which really helps. They're always looking for ways to help us out. And they're always willing to come out with us which can make a huge difference!
We've been able to teach a TON of lessons! More lessons than I ever have my whole mission. The success we saw last week was crazy good! I really think it's from our diligence and obedience. I've also never been so tired my whole mission, but it's totally worth it!
We've been able to teach some families, which I've wanted to my whole mission. It just hasn't always worked out that way. Someone always ends up not being interested. We're also teaching a lot of young women aged investigators. Which I love. I forgot how much I love that age. It's been awhile since I've been around that age haha.
This area is really interesting. Part of it is super nice rich homes and a lot of it is on the humble side of things, which I'm completely fine with because humble people are easier to teach in may ways. It's really helped me realize just how blessed I have been. It helps me appreciate all the things I've been given and how the circumstances I'm in, or have been in, have been really good.  I am so blessed!
We had every single one of our investigators ditch church. We found them rides and everything and they all had some excuse for why they couldn't come. But! Sunday ended on a good note! There's a member here that has a dinner and we invite all our investigators to it. Well we were able to invite an investigator and the perfect "fellowshipper" for her. They were both able to come and they hit it off so well! It was a miracle! And exactly what the investigator needed. She's going through some Army boy drama and the member has been there done that, and she brought her husband to have even more insight on it all. It was so cool how it all worked out. We've definitely been blessed this past week. No doubt about it.

Have a wonderfully happy 4th!
I love you all!
Sis. Ririe
(P.S.  Tell "Nerm" our service project this week is dusting off WWII airplanes!  Pictures to follow!  And letters are much appreciated, especially from "Nerm"!  wink wink)
Sisters in every way!
Happy 4th from the Sisters of El Paso Texas (and thanks for the package Mom!)

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